"The film explores the origins of James T. Kirk, Spock and the crew of the USS Enterprise from the original "Star Trek" series and how these iconic characters came together. According to rumors, the story involves an elder Spock (Nimoy) and a group of Romulans (led by Nero, played by Bana) being transplanted into the past where Spock must prevent the Romulans from irreparably damaging the timeline. To do so, he will have to enlist the assistance of his younger self (Quinto)."Well, personally, as soon as I found out about this, I wasn't very interested, even with Nimoy in it (how many minutes does he get?). Anyway, this young crew is most likely geared for the new generation of course, to try and keep the dream alive. So they bring all these young stars so kids will be like, "Oh wow, it's Quinto!"
The only Star Trek I ever watched was with Shatner and Nimoy, the original crew.
Check out Spock on the left in the pilot episode of Star Trek and with the creator Gene smiling! Smiling, what a rare thing, heh heh...
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